Friday, February 18, 2011


So this month of February the planned parent summit house has mad much progress. firstly we had a table set up out side the vagina monologues all three nights. we got a lot of signatures for free birth control. also we passed out lots of condoms so people can be safe and other things.

Secondly the planned parent summit house has been getting along just swimmingly! we have all overcome many differences, hatred, diversity, but really we just communicate better. we are all on the same page if you will. probably the best summit house. ever.

thirdly the planned parenthood house is making a big impact on drury campus and the local area. people are talking about us. good and bad. without us this movement for safe sex and free birth control, and awareness would not really be happening. i look forward to the events we have planned in the future.

oh we had a ballroom dace social. it was totally awesome. no one really came though. hit me up if you need a dance partner. i can tango.

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