Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Friday!

Hello bloggers! Happy Friday and Happy Halloween!

As you may or may not have noticed, the month of October has not been all that busy in Panthers for Planned Parenthood house. We've been focusing most of our time brainstorming the events for November. So, never fear, we're making a comeback in the next month.

Last night, Thursday the 28th of October, we held our first meeting with the V-Warriors and Allies about our up-and-coming collaborative event, a Safe Sex Campaign and Kinky Crafting Session. In order to promote such, we're suppling all sorts of paints and other arts and crafts supplies for students to combine on canvas with safe sex supplies, such as condoms, lubes, etc. Here's your chance to get creative and support safe sex: we'll be in the FSC on Monday, November 15th at six, so stop by after dinner and create your own piece of art!

On a side note, Juno Night is still on for November! Expect a viewing of the quirky comedy sometime in mid-November, again, to promote safe sex awareness.

Twizzlers? check
Sunny D? check
Orange Tic-Tacs? check
Pregnancy? ...

A fun night with your friends, free food, prizes, and Juno in the Lay Hall Auditorium? I think so. Stay tuned for a set date and time, which is to be posted within the week.

Have a safe and sexy Halloween!

Laura Jean

Thursday, October 28, 2010

So November

October didn't have that much in store for us at the Summit Planned Parenthood house. We mostly started the preparation for our big Juno night. We got in touch with the volunteer coordinator to discuss obtaining some more condoms since ours were stolen. Earlier in the week we tried yoga as the part of the stress free now program. And tonight the girls of the house met with the V-warriors and Allies to finalize some details of the safe sex campaign. So even though October was pretty laid back, November is already looking really busy.
Earlier in October we started a new program. Stress free now is the newest component to living in the Summit community. It is interesting to say the least. Everyday we do a different de-stressing exercise. I am not so sure if it is helping...but I will continue to try. However, the mandatory yoga session was AMAZING! I felt so good and relaxed. It's too bad I had to go home and immediately start studying Organic Chemistry. I am excited for Tai Chi and Acupuncture later on in the program.
The plan as of now for the safe sex campaign is to price items for safe sex art and kinky crafts. We will be buying paint, ribbons, feather boas, scissors, paint brushes, and of course GLITTER!!! So far the ideas for kinky crafts are floggers, feather ticklers, handcuffs, and blindfolds. Also we will be playing fun music like Ke$ha and Katy Perry. Hopefully it will be a playful and open place to be expressive about safe sex and to share what works and what doesn't. So far it's shaping up to look like a lot of fun!
I can't wait to see how November plays out but it'll be here soon enough!

A Lot of Nothing

There has been no real progress in terms of the advancement of PPP's Glorious Five-Year Plan, though a box of contraceptives were stolen off our front porch. In the spirit of baseless accusations and finger-pointing it is obvious that this is because of the limited availability of condoms and other prophylactics in suburban Springfield.

So, thief, thank you! And know that your desperate theft of our box of unmentionables will not go unmentioned, and we will in fact do our best to make sure there are more condoms to pilfer in the future!


Its Halloween!!! other then that this den of planned parenthood panthers hasn't had much going on just cat napping around. Its been purrrrrrfect! but next month there is a Juno movie night on this cam-puss. don't worry all you scaredy cats its not a scary movie so come on out. On a side note there will also be food at the movie.

OH NO! there is a cat burglar around summit. someone has stolen two bikes and a box of condoms from our house. one of the bikes was even lock. Its crazy. That dude really needs to stay out of our catnip. oh well though there is more then one way to skin a cat.

yoga was this month. after the session I felt as flexible as a feline. I know ill be going back. this stress free program is relaxing. I look forward to more activities. thanks Andrew Wiemer your the cats pajamas.


Tricks and Treats

Hello everyone! It may have seemed that The Panthers for Planned Parenthood have been on hiatus from the bustling world of community service lately, but I can assure you that we've been on the prowl for activities to support our cause! We've been getting our poop in a group this month to prepare for the events of November!

We've been plagued with a setback. Our liaison with Planned Parenthood dropped off a box of condoms, lube, and other treats on our porch. This box, whose contents were supposed to be distributed to the Drury community to promote safe sex on campus, was stolen! Yes, right from our very own Summit community! This was not the only thing stolen either! Two bicycles have gone missing from our stoop also. I would just like to use these examples to warn you, fellow Summiteers, that you should not leave valuables outside! However, we are working on getting a new package of treats to distribute to Drury students in the near future.

For the month of November, we are planning a Juno night complete with Juno-themed food, fun, and of course an important message for all those in attendance. We hope to see everyone there! You will be kept up to date with further announcements as this date creeps up on us!

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010



My name is Sean Banasik and Im kind of a big deal. I am a sophomore at Drury University. Im not sure what I want to major in yet. I like hanging out with friends, spending time with my family and going on adventures.
I am really excited to be in Summit park living house because it is such a great opportunity to help and giving back to the community of Springfield. I cant wait to get started and hope that I can do a lot of good.

Happy Halloween!

Hi all...

The month of October is fairly slow for us. We are planning at the moment on doing just one small event such as passing out condoms instead of candy to Drury Students. We figured this would be a great way of making condoms seem like less of a big deal, and each student's identity would be concealed, considering everyone will have amazing costumes! This allows for confidentiality as well as helping out the campus for their needs on a night that is notorious for midnight rendezvous.

In other news, November is a exciting month for us. We are planning all kinds of fun adventures such as a Juno night at the Lay Auditorium and teaming up with the V-Warriors and Allies in order to promote safe sex through art. We will put big tarps in the ballroom with paint, condoms, dental dams, lube, and other prevention items to make art with. The overall goal of this event is to reduce the stigma of using protection as well as having fun with certain items that may seem taboo. We are all really excited about these upcoming events.

On a side note, we have had two of the four bikes on our front porch stolen, and one was locked. What a terrible neighborhood! As a Summit family we are very disappointed in the caliber of morals (or lack thereof) in the surrounding area of Springfield. This is just a reminder to all the other college students out there who are naive and trusting - put your bike inside! Lock up your valuables! We have also had a BOX OF CONDOMS STOLEN OFF OUR FRONT PORCH!!!! This was sent to us from Planned Parenthood to give out to campus, and taken right from under our noses. My only hope is that the person who stole them is using them wisely.

Have a very Happy Halloween!
Be safe!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

No Way! November

The great month of October has been mildly inactive as far as Panthers for Planned Parenthood has gone. We've taken some time to talk with our advisor as well as to meet with our Planned Parenthood liaison Crystal. She was nice enough to throw together a care package for us with condoms to hand out, petitions on birth control to have people sign, signs to hang up announcing planned parenthoods involvement on campus as well as sparkly pink planned parenthood t-shirts so that we could represent.

However.... We've been having difficulty with the community around us and two of our house members bike's (including mine) were stolen from our porch along with the package from Crystal. She announced she had left it on our porch and an hour later when we got back from classes it was gone.

So we shall go to her next time in order to prevent interference.

With that said we've made great headway on the month of November so we can stay active on campus. Teaming up with the V Warriors as well as Allies on the tentative dates of November 15 through 18 in order to promote safe sex through artwork. Our plan is for our house to create some fun art pieces using condoms and paint and dental dams and lube and to promote people to take condoms from us to create their own art and take pictures with them. This will prevent people from becoming embarrassed by taking condoms from our table when people are watching because they can say that it is for the sake of ART!

We'll make sure to post some of those pictures in November when we've made our artwork. Also we'll attach our Juno night onto the end of this week and probably do some promotion for signing the birth control petitions that planned parenthood is collecting to send to our senators.

As far as October goes, you need not worry! We're planning some safe sex fun for the weekend of Halloween. Currently we're throwing around ideas of hiding condoms for people to seek out as well as trick or treat fun at the Planned Parenthood house, so watch out for that post and some possible e-mails we may send your way.

Happy Fall Break Everyone!
