What accomplishments have happened with your project over the course of this spring semester?
So far we have had some pretty good accomplishments this spring semester. We have gotten a substantial amount of signatures for the Birth Control Matters Campaign. We have also started working with some other Drury faculty and students on forming a Drury branch of VOX (Planned Parenthood's organization).
What has been the greatest experience this past month volunteering with the agency?
The greatest experience this month was the recent meeting we had to begin VOX. It is exciting to get in on the ground level, see that other people are excited to implement Planned Parenthood for good on Drury's campus, and begin educating the people of Drury on sexual health.
What has been your greatest challenge this past month volunteering with the agency?
My greatest challenge is just finding the time. I have been really busy all year, and even more so this semester. It becomes hard to volunteer with an agency when there really isn't any bad consequences if I do not go. It is even harder when I have so much homework that when I get a break, all I want to do is sleep. However, I have been pushing through this semester and using any Planned Parenthood events as a well welcomed break from my hectic schedule.
What projects or activities do you still have planned to finish out the year?
One project we are extremely excited about is the Get Naked Campaign. We will be selling Naked juice around campus before the end of the year with a condom attached. This will bring a lot of attention because of recent events barring the selling of Naked juice on campus. With students in an outrage, we will attract rebels and Naked lovers alike. Getting them to our table is the first step in educating them on sexual health.
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