November has been a busy month with the Panthers for Planned Parenthood. A few of us attended the monthly volunteer meeting at Planned Parenthood to discuss the events we have on campus and to discuss other volunteer opportunities that Planned Parenthood itself is planning. We also met with VOX, the Planned Parenthood group at MSU. On campus this month, we teamed up with Allies and the V-Warriors to host Kinky Krafts. The event went swimmingly! People showed up to create safe-sex themed artwork and receive information about Planned Parenthood and show their support for our cause. We are also planning a movie night featuring Juno in Lay Hall on November 29th.
In the past Planned Parenthood has had difficulty in dealing with the Drury community. Students haven't taken them seriously and have had the incorrect impression of what exactly it is that Planned Parenthood does. We as a Summit group have formed the link between Planned Parenthood and Drury. Aside from our stolen condoms incident, we haven't encountered any issues to speak of. Relations between Planned Parenthood staff and members of our group have been excellent.
I appreciate the efforts to supply us with outlets to deal with stress, but the Stress Free Now program is in no way, shape, or form a stress-reliever. It's just another thing that we have to remember to do everyday that doesn't provide any benefit. The Wellness classes each week also aren't serving any real purpose other than eating up time. I appreciate the concern for our wellness, but this program is serving an opposing purpose as to what it's intended.
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