Friday, November 19, 2010
Safe Sex and Whatnot
In the past Planned Parenthood has had difficulty in dealing with the Drury community. Students haven't taken them seriously and have had the incorrect impression of what exactly it is that Planned Parenthood does. We as a Summit group have formed the link between Planned Parenthood and Drury. Aside from our stolen condoms incident, we haven't encountered any issues to speak of. Relations between Planned Parenthood staff and members of our group have been excellent.
I appreciate the efforts to supply us with outlets to deal with stress, but the Stress Free Now program is in no way, shape, or form a stress-reliever. It's just another thing that we have to remember to do everyday that doesn't provide any benefit. The Wellness classes each week also aren't serving any real purpose other than eating up time. I appreciate the concern for our wellness, but this program is serving an opposing purpose as to what it's intended.
The safe sex campaign went off without a hitch Monday night! We had a great turnout and lots of arts and crafts were created! I was afraid that no one would want to make “kinky crafts” in public but several people did. Those who were uncomfortable just did art instead. We showed people how to make their own flogger out of a dowel rod and tassels and a feather tickler made with a boa. The best part was that it wasn’t even awkward! It was just plain fun. Some of us tried out our new floggers on the arms of those around us if they asked us to of course. Overall it was a great night.
Our house is working hard but sometimes we struggle with getting everything organized. Eight people are a lot to do one event and sometimes not everyone has a job. It’s hard to delegate responsibility evenly. But in the end we are able to come together and create successful events to raise awareness. I really believe the safe sex art campaign was a step in the right direction. If people are going to be experiencing sex than we need to try everything we can to help make it safe. Just being able to talk about it and do art that is inspired by it is an important feat in this culture that considers it still somewhat of a taboo. Our goal as Panthers for Planned Parenthood is to increase the knowledge and decrease the STIs and unplanned pregnancies, more or less. I feel that we really are making an impact by volunteering with this agency, even if it is through baby steps like passing out condoms.
In other news stress free now is still going but I do not know how much of a difference it is making in my life. I can hardly relax to do the exercises because I am worried about completing my other school work. I sometimes don't know how to prioritize. If my stress level comes first then I might not get my work done for class but if I try to get all my work done I get stressed out. It is sort of a vicious cycle. I do like the classes although I don't think they alleviate stress. I am so EXCITED to try acupuncture and for the massages at the end of this semester.
There is a lot to look forward to in the months to come including Juno! Everyone should come out because it's guaranteed to be a blast!