i know that i've been negligent in my blog posts, thus far, but i'm trying to make it up to you somehow.
my name is austin seaborn, and i am a sophomore here at drury university. i am a double major in international political studies and german. i am very excited to be working with planned parenthood this year in summit park leadership community, because i feel like it is an organization that has the potential to be a great resource to all of us in the drury community. the seven others and i are working to eliminate stereotypes and really introduce our friends and classmates to all of the wonderful services planned parenthood offers. but i'm going to be totally selfish and make this blog post all about me.
as previously stated, i am a double major in international polisci and german. with this i plan on moving to germany after school to pursue my dream in foreign diplomacy. i want to go to law school or to john's hopkins school of advanced international studies. my dream job is to be the united states ambassador to germany. i am extremely outgoing (too outgoing sometimes) but i am really passionate about meeting new people, and i love what i do. i am extremely involved on campus is several organizations. my pride and joy being student government association. i was recently elected by my peers to the position of vice president of student affairs. this position affords me many opportunities to serve my friends and peers and help shape a better future for all of us here at drury.
i chose to take part in summit park mainly because it's an excellent opportunity to get to know not only all of the other houses here in summit, but to build a great relationship with a local non-profit organization, like planned parenthood. these types of relationships are what will benefit me not necessarily today, but as i mature into an independent adult. it's opportunities like this that truly create a leader. i firmly believe in starting at the bottom and working your way up. i hope to get to know not only the people of planned parenthood, the springfield community, and my fellow summit partners; i also hope to learn more about myself. i want to find something i'm passionate about and go at it 200% this is a personal goal.
thank you for your support in every way.
best wishes,
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